Executive Coaching

Dynamic Relationships

In the business environment, every Manager and Employee is a key element in creating value. The results achieved by the Company depends not only on the single “Actor” but also on the nature of the relationships. The theater, therefore, turns out to be an effective team-building activity for executive coaching.

Who is the business coaching activity aimed at?

The activity is addressed to management Executives and Employees.

What are the goals we want to achieve together?

The executive coaching as the primary goal of the path is to understand how interpersonal relationships are indispensable for creating a cohesive, effective, creative working group and improving public speaking, team leading, problem-solving, and relational dynamics; that is to know how to handle the best in negative situations without the interlocutor may perceive that you going through a difficult situation. The purpose of the lab is, therefore, to stimulate the identification and development of the individual’s expressive abilities within the group so that these capabilities can be expressed later on in the Company environment.

How do we want to achieve our goals?

The experience is fundamental to break individual resistance and to give participants the ability to listen to themselves and others through the valorization of their abilities, respect for others and collaboration. Learning specific vocal and breathing techniques allows participants to gain awareness in holding a speech in public and in interpersonal relationships.

The work of executive coaching is planned on the individual needs of the Company.

Four module approaches: a work approach divided into four independent modules each with a duration of 4 hours each.

  1. Group perception and self-perception: the first stage of the path leads the participants, through typical exercises of the actor’s training, to a more in-depth awareness of their own and other relational habits, as well as the achievement of the confidence and empathy needed for good teamwork.
  2. Vocal work: through vocal and breathing theatrical techniques the participants implement their own relational and public speaking skills.
  3. Improvisation: one of the main techniques used is theatrical improvisation through exercises and situations to be developed individually or in small groups. Through improvisation, it is possible to understand the potential of teamwork to learn positive reactions in order to resolve each situation differently with timeliness and resolve.
  4. Collaboration and leadership for creativity: the tools learned during the course stimulate participants to explore new ways to experience their creativity by giving them the ultimate in innovative ideas and solutions that can arise from instinct, empathic listening, and collaboration.


Corporate office, theater, hotel room or any other special room (to be agreed with the Company).

Number of People*:
Date of Service*:
Budget Event (Euro)*:
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