The Courtesan Veronica Franco, born and died in Venice in 1546-1591, was a Poet and known Courtesan initiated by her mother at a young age to her profession. During the Renaissance, the Venetian society recognized different types of courtesans: the “honest courtesan” was considered the intellectual courtesan; the “courtesan of light” was compared to today’s prostitutes and the “courtesan of the lower classes” who lived and practiced the profession in the suburbs near Rialto Bridge. Veronica, for sure, was an honest Courtesan in that she was of good culture, refined and with soothing ways that she managed to find her way into the salons of rich aristocrats. She married a rich physician but the marriage did not last long. For her maintenance, she became a high-ranking courtesan very well known and in great demand. Veronica Franco Team Building Venice to relive the splendor of the past.
The Courtesan Veronica Franco Team building Venice
For an unusual team building we have thought of an amusing format that energetically manages to involve all participants through the game and the exploration of the Cannaregio District considered one of the most beautiful in the city. The participants will have to help Veronica in search of the lost pendant and will be involved in a story sprinkled with reality and fantasy to discover an unpublished Venice.
The meeting point of Veronica Franco Team Building Venice is at the Jewish Ghetto with an itinerary of about two kilometers that will make you discover: Campo del Ghetto, the Church of Sant’Alvise, Madonna dell’Orto, Campo dei Mori, Tintoretto’s House, Casino degli Spiriti, Palazzo Lezze, the Abbey of Misericordia and the Scuola Grande della Misericordia for a total duration of about an hour.